Browser Testing

Browser compatibility testing across all major browsers

Your website will unfortunately not display or work consistently across all the web browsers that your site visitors use.

Web browser issues that visitors can experience include the main navigation not displaying or not being usable, entire pages can appear unreadable and a myriad of other browser related problems are commonplace.

Browser compatibility problems have a significant impact on the success of your website and so testing across all the major browsers is necessary to find and report these issues.

Standard browser compatibility testing list

The standard list of major web browsers we use for testing is as follows, however, further browsers or different browser versions can be tested on request.

Windows Browsers

  1. Edge (latest version) / Windows 11
  2. Chrome (latest version) / Windows 11
  3. Firefox (latest version) / Windows 11

macOS Browsers

  1. Safari (latest version) / macOS Ventura or Sonoma
  2. Chrome (latest version) / macOS Ventura or Sonoma
  3. Firefox (latest version) / macOS Ventura or Sonoma

Regular Browser Testing

New web browsers are being released all the time, with new versions of Chrome and Firefox coming along every 4 to 6 weeks. To prevent any new browser issues being discovered by your website visitors, we regularly retest your website in each new browser version as it is released.

For example, each release of Internet Explorer can cause major problems for many websites and these potential issues can be significantly reduced through WebDepend testing your website on browser beta versions prior to the main browser release.

In addition to the manual browser testing, we can create automated tests that save a screenshot of a web page in each browser version and provide a report highlighting any browser compatibility issues.

Our regular browser testing service offers peace of mind that your website continues to display correctly in each browser version.

Browser testing process

The browser compatibility testing service follows our standard testing process.

  1. We review the specification, wireframes and designs.
  2. We create a test plan listing all the functionality and elements to be tested.
  3. We carry out the testing and record any issues found in our bug tracking software.
  4. All issues recorded include a description, URL, screenshot and priority.
  5. We provide a report detailing what has been tested and a breakdown of the issues found.
  6. Access to everything including the report and the issues found is through our client area.
  7. We can retest all the bugs fixed plus carry out a full regression test to make sure nothing has been broken.

View Our Services

Regular browser testing for ecommerce sites
Per project browser testing for site launches and website audits