
Our QA Testing Services

From regular testing services to testing website builds, mobile apps and website audits

Ongoing Testing

Highly flexible ongoing testing services to easily add testing to your team.

Choose Testing On Demand if you need a tester but you are not sure when or how much testing you required. No commitments, schedule a tester and off you go.

Need regular testing as part of your development cycle for new features, sprints or regular releases? No problem, take a look at our Retained Testing Services for a longer term commitment with added benefits of regularly scheduled testing and discounted rates.

For many small developments teams the cost of a full-time Tester or QA person can be prohibitive. Utilise our testing services to keep your costs low whilst gaining the advantages that dedicated testing can bring to your organisation.

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Regular Testing

A proactive weekly or monthly service carrying out a series of tests across critical functions of your website.

Regular Testing is great for ecommerce sites or booking sites, as they need to continue working correctly or the website will lose money very quickly when something goes wrong.

Our regular testing plans are designed to focus on the most important aspects of your website.

For an ecommerce website the critical areas are often searching or finding a product, viewing the product details, adding the product to the shopping basket and then completing the purchase.

Regular Testing Benefits

Regular Testing Benefits

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Weekly or Monthly - Testing carried out at a frequency and schedule to suit you.

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Priority Issues - Are flagged to you or your team immediately through your preferred contact method.

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Individual Project Testing

For single projects, either websites and mobile apps that are already live (see our Website Audits section) or projects currently in development (see our Website Builds section).

We provide testing on an individual project basis, either auditing websites already live or testing new build websites and apps currently in development.

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Website Audits

Comprehensive audit of your website

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Testing New Website Builds

Testing new website builds currently in development

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Testing New Mobile Apps

Testing new mobile apps currently in development

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Agile Testing

QA resources for your agile development project


Testing Your Individual Projects

Testing your individual projects

Retained Testing

Need testing for a variety of different testing tasks, projects or on an ongoing basis? Talk to us about our retained testing services.

Testing for Individual Projects

Enquire about our website audits, testing new website builds or testing new mobile apps