Mobile Testing

Testing your site across all major mobile devices

An increasing number of users access websites on their smartphone or tablet. A variety of screen sizes and capabilities means that your website needs to be tested across the major mobile devices.

Users expect that websites they wish to access are optimised for the device they are using. Mobile screen resolutions accessing your website could be anything from 320 x 240 pixels up to 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Whether you have a dedicated mobile site, a mobile app or a responsive design, testing is important to ensure that the site displays and works as intended.

Supported Mobile Devices

WebDepend will fully test your website across all the major mobile devices, operating system and mobile browsers, which include the following:

  1. iPhone 7 to iPhone 15 with Mobile Safari & Chrome browsers (iOS versions 12 to 18 beta).
  2. iPad (5th Gen) to iPad Pro with Mobile Safari & Chrome browsers (iPadOS versions 12 to 18 beta).
  3. Android versions 9 to 14, in both smartphone and tablet form factors and a range of screen sizes from 5 inches up to 10 inches.
  4. We can also test your website in other mobile browser versions including Firefox, Chrome and Opera if required.

Mobile testing tools

We use a variety of tools and automation software to test mobile apps, including:

  1. Katalon Studio
  2. Appium
  3. Charles
  4. Fiddler
  5. Genymotion
  6. Sauce Labs

We also have experience of using the following app distribution services:

  1. Appcenter (previously HockeyApp)
  2. TestFlight
  3. Fabric

Mobile testing process

The mobile testing service follows our standard testing process.

  1. We review the specification, wireframes and designs.
  2. We create a test plan listing all the functionality and elements to be tested.
  3. We carry out the testing and record any issues found in our bug tracking software.
  4. All issues recorded include a description, URL, screenshot and priority.
  5. We provide a report detailing what has been tested and a breakdown of the issues found.
  6. Access to everything including the report and the issues found is through our client area.
  7. We can retest all the bugs fixed plus carry out a full regression test to make sure nothing has been broken.

View Our Services

Regular mobile testing for ecommerce sites
Per project mobile sites for site launches