8 min read

Rolling out improvements to our audit tool in recent updates

New releases every week add to Sites beta launch - a roundup of releases over the past 4 weeks.
Version 1.9.5 of Testing Manager released last week
Written by
Tom Batey
Published on
May 29, 2024

Throughout May we've been continuing to release improvements to Testing Manager every week. Mostly these updates have been focused on our Sites audit tool, which is currently in Beta.

We're now up to version 1.9.5 and continuing to release updates, improvements and new features every week.

Ability to Raise Bugs from Sites

The latest version, released last week, enabled users to raise bugs directly from the Sites section and to link bugs to pages. This means if a particular page has an accessibility error reported by our audit tool, then clicking the row action menu (also new by the way) displays a 'Raise bug' option, which opens a popup to quickly fill in some details about the issue.

The bug is then added and the user is forwarded to the issue to add more details and, if there is a bug tracker integration in place, send the bug directly to the external bug tracker. In this way, users of Sites can quickly raise a bug related to a particular page and send it directly to their integrated system, whether that is Jira, Asana, Linear, etc.

New Page Metrics

A couple of versions ago we added some new page metrics for Sites to make it easy to see what's going on at a glance. Now it is possible to see the number of pages crawled, the total number of broken links and broken resources plus the number of pages that have accessibility errors, contrast errors and accessibility alerts.

Full Page Screenshots

At the end of April we released an update to Sites to capture and display a full page screenshot for every page crawled. Clicking on the thumbnail next to each page will display the screenshot in a larger size.

Comments Get Mentions

Elsewhere in the application, we've been making improvements to long-standing features, including issue comments.

Now it is possible to mention other users within comments. Whenever adding or editing a comment and mentioning another user (either a user part of your organisation or one of our testers), an email is triggered containing a link to the issue and the comment text.

Updated Jira Integration

We updated our integration with Jira to support setting a parent key or Epic, so any bugs raised for a project have that parent key set when they are sent to Jira.

Next Version

We're not stopping there and our Test Management feature continues to be worked on in the background. An update about that will be coming soon.

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